Source code for py_config_runner.utils

import ast
import inspect
import sys
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader

from import MutableMapping
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterator, Mapping, Dict, Optional, Union

from py_config_runner.deprecated import (

[docs] def load_module(filepath: Union[str, Path]) -> Any: """Method to load module from file path Args: filepath: path to module to load """ filepath = Path(filepath) if not filepath.exists(): raise ValueError(f"File '{filepath.as_posix()}' is not found") if not filepath.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Path '{filepath.as_posix()}' should be a file") return SourceFileLoader(filepath.stem, filepath.as_posix()).load_module() # type: ignore[call-arg]
[docs] class ConfigObject(MutableMapping): """Lazy config object Args: config_filepath: path to python configuration file mutations: dict of mutations to apply to the configuration python file before loading. See example below. kwargs: kwargs to pass to the config object. Note that for colliding keys retained value is the one from ``config_filepath``. Example: .. code-block:: python config = ConfigObject("/path/to/") print(config) # For example, configuration file contains params: seed, ... print(config.seed, config["seed"], config.get("seed")) Example with mutations: Let's assume that configuration python file has ``learning_rate = 0.01`` which is used to configure an optimizer: .. code-block:: python # configuration file learning_rate = 0.01 hp_params = [1.0, 0.9, 0.8] hp_dict = {"a": 0.5, "b": 0.75} optimizer = SGD(parameters, lr=learning_rate) model = MyModel(hp_params, hp_dict) And we would like to override ``learning_rate``, ``hp_params`` and ``hp_dict`` from the script using above configuration file and has also optimizer and model updated accordingly: .. code-block:: python # Script file using configuration mutations={ "learning_rate": 0.05, "hp_params": 0.5 # here we can also change variable type "hp_dict": {"a": 0.1, "b": 0.2} } config = ConfigObject("/path/to/", mutations=mutations) print(config) print(config.optimizer) # assert config.learning_rate == 0.05 # assert == 0.05 # assert config.hp_params == 0.5 # assert config.hp_dict == {"a": 0.1, "b": 0.2} .. warning:: Mutation can not be a class instance or other complex python object. The following **wont** work: ``mutations={"model": MyModel()}``. """ def __init__(self, config_filepath: Union[str, Path], mutations: Optional[Mapping] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if mutations is not None: if not (sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 7): raise RuntimeError("Mutations are not supported on Python versions < 3.7") if not isinstance(mutations, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Argument mutations should be a mapping, got {type(mutations)}") mutations = _ConstMutator.to_mutations_ast(mutations) super().__init__() self.__dict__["_is_loaded"] = False self.__dict__["_mutations"] = mutations self.__dict__["__internal_config_object_data_dict__"] = {"config_filepath": config_filepath} self.__dict__["__internal_config_object_data_dict__"].update(kwargs) def __getattr__(self, item: Any) -> Any: self._load_if_not() return self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__[item] def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: self._load_if_not() self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__[name] = value def __len__(self) -> int: self._load_if_not() return len(self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__) def __getitem__(self, item: Any) -> Any: self._load_if_not() return self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__[item] def __setitem__(self, name: Any, value: Any) -> None: self._load_if_not() self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__[name] = value def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: self._load_if_not() del self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__[key] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: self._load_if_not() return iter(self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__)
[docs] def get(self, item: Any, default_value: Optional[Any] = None) -> Any: self._load_if_not() return self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__.get(item, default_value)
def __contains__(self, item: Any) -> bool: self._load_if_not() return item in self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__ def _load_if_not(self) -> None: if self.__dict__["_is_loaded"]: return cfpath = self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__["config_filepath"] mutations = self.__dict__["_mutations"] if mutations is None or len(mutations) < 1: mod_obj = load_module(cfpath) _config = mod_obj.__dict__ else: _config = self._apply_mutations_and_load(cfpath, mutations) config_dict = {k: v for k, v in _config.items() if not (k.startswith("__") or inspect.ismodule(v))} self.__internal_config_object_data_dict__.update(config_dict) self.__dict__["_is_loaded"] = True def _apply_mutations_and_load(self, filepath: Union[str, Path], mutations: Mapping) -> Mapping: filepath = Path(filepath) if not filepath.exists(): raise ValueError(f"File '{filepath.as_posix()}' is not found") if not filepath.is_file(): raise ValueError(f"Path '{filepath.as_posix()}' should be a file") with"r") as h: config_source = ast_obj = ast.parse(config_source) mutator = _ConstMutator(mutations) mutator.visit(ast_obj) mutator.validate() compiled_obj = compile(ast_obj, "<string>", "exec") config: Dict[str, Any] = {} # Config is passed as globals exec(compiled_obj, config) return config def __repr__(self): self._load_if_not() output = [ "Configuration:", ] for k, v in self.items(): output.append(f"\t{k}: {v}") return "\n".join(output) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state)
class _ConstMutator(ast.NodeTransformer): @staticmethod def to_mutations_ast(mutations: Mapping) -> Mapping: output = {} for key, value in mutations.items(): # check if value can be transformed to AST using repr value_repr = repr(value) base_err_msg = f"Unsupported mutation type for value: {value} corresponding to '{key}'. " try: value_ast = ast.parse(value_repr) except SyntaxError: raise ValueError(base_err_msg + "Failed to create value's AST") if not hasattr(value_ast, "body"): raise ValueError(base_err_msg + f"Value AST has no 'body': {value_ast}") if len(value_ast.body) < 1: raise ValueError(base_err_msg + f"Value AST body is empty: {value_ast.body}") if not hasattr(value_ast.body[0], "value"): raise ValueError(base_err_msg + f"Value AST body[0] has no 'value': {value_ast.body[0]}") output[key] = value_ast.body[0].value # type: ignore[attr-defined] return output def __init__(self, mutations_ast: Mapping): self.mutations = mutations_ast self._used_mutations = set(self.mutations) def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> ast.Assign: if len(node.targets) == 1: target = node.targets[0] if isinstance(target, ast.Name): key = if key in self.mutations: node.value = self.mutations[key] self._used_mutations.remove(key) return node def validate(self): if len(self._used_mutations) > 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Following mutations were not applied: {list(self._used_mutations)}. " "Please make sure that mutations argument contains correct values. " "Otherwise, please open an issue on ." "Thank you!" )